Any Day Now...

Well it's been a while since I've updated.  We're counting down the days until Due Date (FIVE!) and we've been trying to get everything crossed off the list of things we wanted to get done before baby comes.

Last week was week 38, or the week that I had to stop wearing my wedding ring.  Sad.  It was getting a little uncomfortable and one day I decided to try to take it off and really struggled.  Luckily I have a great ring that I got in Scotland that has always been a little big...  perfect fit now!  So my finger doesn't feel so naked.

My mother-in-law came to stay with us last Tuesday to help us get some things done around the house. Our main task was making some freezer meals so Hubby and I don't starve when baby comes.  I'm not much for cooking, so it will be nice to have (really, really delicious) things that we can just throw in the oven!  Some of the things that now stock our freezer include lasagna, tater tot hotdish, and chicken enchiladas.  Not only did we get a bunch of meals made, we made cookie dough (I'm not sure if we'll actually bake it or just eat it) and even some cookies that we can munch on!

Not only did she help me make awesome food, she defrosted our deep freeze, washed our refrigerator and upstairs freezer, AND organized everything so it's not just a big mess to dig through.  It's great to be able to open them and see what we have.  I'm hoping that we can keep it looking nice, but I'm not too confident in our organizational skills.  Seriously, just look how organized it is!

It was a very productive visit!  I definitely would not have gotten that done without all of her help!  

When she left, I tried to stay busy.  So I went to work in our onion garden that had become overgrown with grass.  It was driving me crazy not being able to see if there were actually onions growing or just grass.  And LOOK!  We do have onions!  There are still some weeds and grass in there, but don't judge.  I should've taken a before picture.  

I also got my car cleaned out and had been planning to vacuum it, but then I realized that I needed an oil change and they vacuum for me when I take it in!  So really, why not just let them take care of that part for me.  So I did that yesterday and now my car looks great!  Another check off the list!  

I had a doctor appointment on Friday and she said that everything is looking good.  Baby still has some room to move down so she said she didn't expect to see me back before my next appointment, but she said she didn't like to say that because it could progress quickly and I could be back the next day!  It's crazy to think that baby could come any day now!  

On Friday night Hubby's brother came for a visit.  So Saturday morning Hubby took him out to spend some quality time in the new boat.  They didn't bring home any fish, but this was obviously because they knew we were heading to a wedding that afternoon so we wouldn't have been able to eat it anyway.  Saturday afternoon we went to my cousin's wedding.  We had a super great time in the photo booth.  Every wedding should have a photo booth.  :)

 It was nice to take a break from all of the nesting.

That brings us to Sunday... the start of WEEK 39!  We got a few more things crossed off of the list of things to do.  Mom and I mixed a few bottles of oils that I plan to use during labor.  I've been hooked on Young Living oils for a while now, they can do incredible things and I'm hoping to have them be a big part of the labor process!  I'm really excited to try them out!  That will have to be a whole blog post in itself after I find out which things work.  

Yesterday we started painting the glider for the nursery.  The cushions are all finished, so now we just need to get a second coat of paint on the glider and get it moved into place!  After we move it I will be able to show the before and after photos!  Hubby finished planting the rest of our big garden so we won't only have onions.  If everything grows as planned we will have some tomatoes, banana peppers, lettuce, beans, peas, squash, pumpkins, carrots, and I'm sure there is more that I can't think of.  I can't wait for things to start growing!

Things left on the to-do list:
1. Pack hospital bags (I have a start, but I only have a few pairs of comfortable capris that I really like wearing so they need to be washed and I just need to leave them alone so they will be ready to go.)
2.  Prep diapers (Cloth diapering is a bit of a process to prepare for.  They recommend washing the diapers 5-7 times each before using them so they reach "maximum absorbency."  Some people don't do this, but they seem to have more issues with leaks until they've been washed a few times.  This really needs to be done before baby comes!
3. Make mobile
4. Make crib skirt
5. Install car seat base
6. Put up railing in entryway
7. Organize a drawer to keep diapers in (I filled all three drawers in Baby's dresser with clothes and then realized that we don't have a place for diapers.  Instead of buying a separate unit to keep diapers in, I think we will just have to take out the bigger clothes and store them until they will fit.)

FIVE DAYS until due date!  I can hardly believe it.