
Tomorrow we have Cameron's TWO WEEK check up!  I can't believe it!  Time is going so fast lately.

We've been having a good time this past week.

We finally got the dock in and Cameron got to go to the lake for the first time!  He wasn't too happy when we took the picture, but I think he was just sad that Audrey and Claire weren't there with him.

I got to have my first beer in 9 months!  I'd say I deserved it. 

We got the stroller put together so we've been going for a walk every day!  He really likes it in the stroller.  I think he actually just likes going outside so it's going to be a really good summer!

Cameron lost his umbilical cord on day 8.  That was crazy.  We were paranoid about it, so I'm glad that we don't have to worry about it anymore!  We were waiting to use the cloth diapers until it fell off, so now we've been cloth diapering about half of the time... some of the diapers we have are more complicated than others, and some of them are still way too big, so we've been sticking with the ones that we've figured out (mostly the newborn specific sized ones!)  However only using that limited part of our stash means I have to do diaper laundry every day.  The all-in-one diapers take quite a while to dry so we've been using disposables when they are drying.  Once we get the hang of it all, I don't think we will have any issues using the cloth diapers all the time!  Today I decided to venture into new territory and tried a prefold with a cover!  So far, so good!  And the diapers are so cute.  I wish we had more t-shirts for him to wear so they didn't get covered up with onesies!

When he is awake he's much more alert and he makes lots of faces.  Just look at him wide awake!  

I'm curious what we will find out at the appointment tomorrow.  I wonder if they will still want me to wake him up every 3 hours for feeding.  I don't have to wake him up very often, but when I do it doesn't seem to be very productive.  He would much rather stay sleeping!  I'm thinking that will be something I'm very thankful for in the future.  I have a feeling he's going through a growth spurt (he's been fussy and "cluster feeding" which they told me were signs of a growth spurt that would probably happen around the two week mark) so I am very excited to see what he measures.  At least I hope it's a growth spurt, fussy babies are hard work!  Knowing that he is growing like he is supposed to will be very comforting.  Also, Hubby will be coming to the appointment straight from work, so Cameron and I will be on our own to make it out of the house on time!  I have the diaper bag packed and ready, and an outfit picked out for him and myself.  I'm feeling confident that we won't be late for his first doctor visit.  I guess we will find out!