Weekly Wednesday: 19 (playing catch-up)

Whew!  It's Friday!  We've crammed in so much in the last few days that I wasn't sure where to start!  

I've learned a lot about being a parent lately.  I've learned some valuable life lessons.  And I've neglected my blog because sometimes it's more important to just live life than worry about documenting it.  So today I plan on catching up.  

We spent the night with the twins on Wednesday night so Pepper didn't get to be part of the weekly photos.  But here is my little bear, 19 weeks old and growing like crazy!

This week we've been working on having more of a routine.  I'm not really a routine kind of person, so you can imagine how that is working for me, but we are trying.  It's nice to have a specific "nap time" break where I can try to get some things done around the house.  And instead of napping in the swing, he's been good at napping in his crib!  Cameron has started fussing like crazy when he gets tired, so I think it has been nice for him to have his own special space, too.  I've been so thankful for the sound machine lately, too!  I was never 100% sure that it would be a worthwhile investment, but it is definitely a must have item! 

Cameron also had his first try at the exersauxer!  It is so cool to watch him grow and get stronger.  After spending the night with the twins I'm thankful that I will only have one baby on the move when he starts crawling!